Recent years have seen an increase in the popularity of lip filler treatments. This relatively simple and minimally invasive procedure involves injections of different types of fillers into the lips. Thanks to celebrities posting their own lip filler experiences on social media, more people are turning to this popular beauty treatment. Generally, it’s a quick procedure with minimal recovery time and lasting results.
As we age, our skin’s primary components – collagen and fat – often begin to deteriorate. This can cause the lips to appear thin or saggy. Lip fillers offer a solution that adds back volume, shape and definition to create a fuller lip appearance. Lip filler treatments consist of synthetic hyaluronic acid – a substance that occurs naturally in our bodies, anyway. Once injected into the tissue of the lips, this gel helps preserve shape and support structures for more attractive results. In addition, lip fillers are now effective for correcting naturally thin lips or improving conditions caused by age and other factors.
Over the years, especially with celeb trends and social media, we have seen various shapes and sizes of lips being augmented using lip fillers. Which, if you are considering getting a lip filler treatment might leave you wondering what style to go for.
Although, we recommend you always consult your practitioner to help you decide what would suit your needs better; here we explore a few of the most common trends we have been noticing with Lip styles lately.
Whether you are unhappy with the shape, volume or definition of your lips, lack a defined Cupid’s bow, or have noticed your lips aren’t as full as they used to be, a well-performed lip augmentation using Dermal Fillers can help.
What Lip Filler style will suit you?
Get the perfect pout with expert lip fillers done at Cure Med Spa in Mystic