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Say Goodbye to Frown Lines

Dysport is an injectable, prescription medication that can reduce the appearance of unwanted dynamic facial wrinkles, like frown lines and forehead lines. By targeting the underlying facial muscles that cause frown lines, Dysport temporarily relaxes and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, leaving you with a smoother forehead and a more youthful expression. Results are visible within days and last up to 4 months. So don’t wait — say goodbye to frown lines today!

woman after Dysport in Mystic

Dysport Treats:

  • Horizontal forehead lines
  • Frown lines between the eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Bunny lines around the bridge of the nose
  • Smoker’s lines around the mouth
  • Chin creases or cobblestone chin
  • Other dynamic wrinkles on the face

How Dysport Works

Dysport is an injectable neuromodulator that relaxes the facial muscles responsible for dynamic wrinkles, i.e., the wrinkles that appear when you contract your muscles to produce expressions, such as frowning or laughing.

When injected, Dysport in Mystic blocks the signals from the nerves to the facial muscles, allowing the skin to relax and soften the appearance of wrinkles. Dysport is FDA-approved for moderate to severe frown lines but can also correct other expression lines.

Treatment Length

10-15 Minutes

Number of Treatments

Every 3-4 Months

Benefits of Dysport:

  • Non-invasive treatment for dynamic wrinkles
  • Targets the root cause of persistent wrinkles
  • Prevents new wrinkles from forming
  • Causes minimal discomfort during the treatment
  • No harsh side effects or complications
  • Reverses the signs of aging on your face
  • No post-treatment downtime or activity restrictions
Dysport in Mystic

Your Dysport Results

Dysport is an incredibly effective treatment for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face. The results typically begin to appear 3 to 4 days after your Dysport injection, with the full effects visible within 2 weeks. Though individual results may vary, most people have results that last anywhere from 3 to 6 months. To maintain youthful skin, it is recommended that you get a Dysport treatment every 3 to 4 months.

Your Dysport Experience

The Consultation

Our Dysport in Mystic consultation is designed to be educational, informative, and stress-free. Our team will explain the benefits of Dysport, ask questions to determine the right treatment plan, and answer any questions you may have. We’ll review your medical history and look at your facial anatomy to ensure we tailor the treatment to your needs. We’ll also discuss the expected results of Dysport, aftercare instructions, and potential risks.

The Treatment

During your Dysport treatment, you can relax in the comfort of our modern spa while our experienced clinicians provide you with an injection of Dysport into specific facial muscles. Our medical providers will cleanse your facial skin and apply a numbing gel to the targeted treatment areas to ensure comfort. The appropriate units of Dysport are injected using fine needles, so you don’t feel any pain — only a little pinch.

The Recovery

After your injections, you may experience slight redness or swelling near the injection sites, but it should dissipate within a day or two. While no downtime is required, take it easy for the day of your procedure and use cold compresses to minimize swelling. You should avoid strenuous exercise and saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs for the next couple of days. Once you’ve healed from you Dysport in Mystic, keep your skin clean, moisturized, and protected from the sun.

Your Path to Cure

Cure Med Spa is a great choice for anyone looking to improve their appearance with Dysport. Our staff is highly skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced in the administration of Dysport, so you can rest easy knowing you’re receiving the best possible care. Our friendly staff is here to answer questions about the procedure and offer personalized solutions. Please schedule an appointment to explore your Dysport treatments in Mystic, CT.

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